Mintra is now offering fully automated, anti-fraud functionality to support its online course delivery. Identify verification (IDV) using biometric face matching will provide organisations with an added level of assurance that the certified candidate is the same person who sat the course assessment.
IDV has initially been added to one of Mintra’s most popular courses – Fire Prevention During Hot Work – but it is anticipated that a growing number of clients, particularly regulatory bodies, will look to include this functionality as the digital transformation of the training industry continues.
The aim of IDV is to remove the potential for individuals to cheat on course assessments by getting another person to sit the exam. The learner must sit in front of a webcam with their photographic ID next to their face; the software then checks that both faces are a match and also verifies the authenticity of the documentation being used.
Mintra’s group innovation director Paul Munro said: “Classroom-based training provides live proctoring in that an invigilator or member of test centre staff can verify the learner’s identity. That same level of assurance is not always available through remote or online learning, which largely uses an email address, username and password approach to verification.
“As we move towards more remote training – the Covid-19 pandemic forcing the pace of change towards eLearning – we believe that a growing number of clients will require these additional security measures. It will be particularly important in safety-critical industries where employing companies must be able to accurately demonstrate that an individual is competent and knowledgeable.”
The IDV software deployed by Mintra is able to verify the validity of international identification, including national identity cards, driving licences and passports, from over 200 different countries. It seamlessly integrates with our learning and competence management system, Trainingportal, and offers users a smooth, secure and intelligent experience.