Siren Berge, CTO, Mintra.
Mintra’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Siren Berge addressed the audience at the most recent Crew Connect, the leading maritime event, taking place in the Philippines to discuss the key steps necessary for the impactful implementation of digital learning solutions.
During a panel session of industry experts, CTO Siren Berge homed in on the requirements of the individual learner when it comes to the delivery of impactful digital learning tools. She highlighted the urgent need for businesses to review the way in which they deliver both mandatory and soft skills training to suit the unique characteristics of their workforce.
Siren also emphasized the importance of understanding learner feedback and building better solutions based on the analysis.
“The question we need to ask ourselves is what would the learner prefer? We all take in knowledge in different ways,” Siren Berge, CTO, Mintra.
Mintra’s CTO advised everyone not to fixate on a one-size-fits all solution but to cater for the wide array of unique requirements of global learners. She stressed the importance of reflecting on the effectiveness of existing solutions, frameworks and training matrices to identify improvements which could change the learner experience.
She also noted during the discussion that digital learning works as a tool to increase preparedness for classroom learning by providing the theoretical study prior to undertaking practical sessions.
“Classroom learning is not for everyone but combined with eLearning or virtual reality (VR) solutions, we can achieve better outcomes.”
Mintra’s CTO concluded that digital learning can yield high results through better understanding of the seafarer candidate and the limitations of their offshore learning environment, such as reduced internet connectivity.