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Simon Burrows, HSEQ Manager at Mintra
It is the World Day of Health and Safety at Work 2023 and we are joining organisations globally in celebrating the decision by the International Labour Conference (ILC) to include “a safe and healthy working environment” in the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) framework of fundamental rights at work.
A recent ILO commissioned report into occupational safety and health (OSH) frameworks across member states found that high-income countries were most likely to have OSH policies, OSH programmes, national bodies, recording and notification systems.
Low-income countries were least likely to have these, including only 44 per cent having a legal provision to protect workers from undue consequences if they remove themselves from dangerous situations.
At Mintra, we are fortunate to be headquartered in a high-income country where statements such as, “Safety first!”, “Time out for safety” and “If you think you can’t
afford safety, wait until you have an accident!” are used to remind us of not only the financial penalties of incidents but the reputational, operational, asset and above all environmental and human costs borne by companies as well as individuals.
We know that a safe and healthy work environment is a fundamental principle and right. Our team at Mintra is also able to support organisations across the world to enable safe operation through our Health and Safety digital learning courses. We help our customers by providing vital safety training, competence management solutions and crewing functionality, key for regulatory compliance and during emergency situations.
Mintra may be celebrating three years of 0 incidents, but we are not going to rest on our laurels. We know that there is constant awareness and training required to maintain standards as well as support our customers with their global operations. There is a lot of work to be done to eradicate global disparity when it comes to occupational health and safety.