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Insights & News

262 articles
Planting trees in Kenya
Mintra announce its collaboration with Evertreen to combat deforestation and support the local labour in Kenya by planting 5,000 trees at Kilifi Creek
How to sail through business-critical ship inspections? Webinar
‘Preparing for SIRE 2.0, RightShip and Port State Control Inspections’
Modern Navigation Requires Modern Training
At SAFETY4SEA Forum, Mintra’s Project Manager Marvin Bielek discuss the rapid speed at which technologies are changing the maritime industry.
Norway’s National Day celebrated by Team Mintra
It was quite the party for our colleagues in Norway who celebrated their Constitution Day on the 17th of May.
International Day for Women in Maritime 2023
Mintra is delighted to be able to share the stories of two of our own team members who have experienced life on the sea first hand.
Mintra releases Sexual Harassment Awareness course
Women and minority groups are especially vulnerable to harassment at the workplace.
Mintra achieves ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System certified status from DNV
Mintra is pleased to announce that it has achieved ISO 27001:2013 certified status
Mintra signs up for WISTA Norway '40 by 30' campaign
Mintra is excited to have signed up for WISTA Norway’s ‘40 by 30’ pledge to increase the share of women within executive positions in maritime.
Mintra Director joins the Maritime Speakers Bureau
Mintra’s Channel Director and Board Member of WISTA Emmanolia Kolias has joined the Maritime Speakers Bureau launched by the IMO.
World Day of Health and Safety at Work 2023
Our team at Mintra is able to support organisations across the world to enable safe operation through our Health and Safety digital learning courses.
Mintra CTO talks best practice for impactful offshore learning
Siren Berge Mintra's CTO spoke at Crew Connect to discuss the key steps necessary for the implementation of digital learning solutions.
Mintra shortlisted for s1jobs Recruitment Awards 2023
Mintra is delighted to have been shortlisted for the highly coveted s1jobs Recruitment Awards in the Best Employer, less than 200 employees, category.