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PLEASE NOTE: Access to ECDIS simulators is set to 21 days. Extended access can be requested by contacting
Who is this course for?
This course is designed for all officers of the bridge team involved in ensuring the safe navigation of the vessel.
Is previous experience required?
ECDIS Generic knowledge, as per STCW and IMO Model Course 1.27, is highly recommended.
How will this course benefit me?
This course provides officers with the system knowledge required to use this ECDIS for watchkeeping in accordance with the regulations of STCW and the ISM Code.
How will this course benefit my company?
By ensuring ECDIS competence through interactive and practical training in accordance with the manufacturer’s standards, covering the following equipment:
eGlobe G2 ECDIS – Electronic Chart Display and Information System
What standards are referred to in this course?
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)
International Maritime Organization (IMO) Model Course 1.27
Is there an assessment?
Section 1: User Interface and Operating Philosophy
• Explain the fundamental design features of the ECDIS that may differ significantly between different ECDIS manufacturers
Section 2: ECDIS Basic Features
• Explain the procedure of adjusting the display to your requirements to ensure that all relevant information and alerts are captured, and cluttering of visual and audible information is avoided
Section 3: Chart Work
• Describe how traditional paper chart tasks are performed on the ECDIS
Section 4: Alert Management
• Describe the management, handling and interpretation of alarms, cautions and warnings
Section 5: Sensors
• Identify the navigational sensors that display information such as the vessel’s position, speed and course in real-time on the chart, and explain the provided data and its limitation
Section 6: Route Planning
• Explain how to plan routes, complying with the general requirements for voyage plans, as well as specific instructions given in the safety management systems of shipping companies and charterers
Section 7: Route Monitoring
• Define the ECDIS specific route monitoring feature and explain how to monitor the voyage and all related data safely
Section 8: Chart Maintenance
• Explain the process of chart ordering, chart installation and the updating of charts considering that charts and updates may be received via the internet or ship’s mail
Section 9: Backup Arrangements and Data Management
• Describe the backup arrangements and data management requirements that need to be met when using the ECDIS as the primary means of navigation
Section 10: Navigational Tools and Other Related Information
• Explain the additional functions and information that can be displayed on the ECDIS (e.g. radar information overlay, wave analysis, NAVTEXT messages or tidal information)
Exam in Trainingportal
• Internet access - users will need a device with a web browser and internet connection
• System - runs on computers, tablets and mobile devices using Windows 7 and above and MAC OS devices running IOS 11 and above
• Browsers - Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari
• Minimum browser size - none
• Audio - requires device speaker or headphones
ChartWorld, established in 1999, is the world’s largest specialist digital-navigation provider. Our product portfolio includes navigational data, Pro+ and SeaPilot charts, and our own range of digital charts. With offices around the globe, including Hamburg, Singapore, and Tokyo, we offer 24/7 support to our clients. Our success lies in offering state-of-the-art technology and affordable service-based models. Contact us to elevate your digital navigation needs with industry-leading innovation and dedicated support.