Siren Berge, Chief Technology Officer at Mintra.
Mintra is excited to have signed up for WISTA Norway’s ‘40 by 30’ pledge to increase the share of women within executive positions in maritime.
By signing up, Mintra has pledged to set strategic goals to support diversity across the organisation, especially within leadership roles, by 2030. The campaign strives to increase the share of women in leading positions to 40 per cent over the next seven years.
“We are committed to promoting equality and eradicating gender disparity. It is crucial for us to be at the forefront of initiatives which support the modernisation of the global maritime industry as well as ensuring that Mintra is a great place to work for everyone,” said Siren Berge, Chief Technology Officer at Mintra.
“Only by developing a full and diverse talent pool can we maintain our position as an employer of choice and attract talented people with the right mix of skills, qualifications and experience.”
Mintra’s Global HR Manager Amy Reid added, "The WISTA ’40 by 30’ pledge is a great opportunity for us to demonstrate the strength of our competency framework in supporting succession planning as well as Mintra’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy. To achieve our goals, we will further intensify our efforts to raise awareness of unconscious bias across our global teams as well as focusing on pay equity.”
Several of Mintra’s team are acting members of WISTA, including Mintra’s Sales Director – Maritime, Jorunn Eldøy, who sits on the Board of WISTA The Netherlands and Channel Director, Emmanolia Kolias who recently was appointed to the Board of WISTA Cyprus.
WISTA Norway’s ’40 by 30′ campaign aims to secure pledges to achieve its ambition of having 40 percent of leadership positions filled by women by 2030 and has gained significant traction among Norwegian maritime leaders. WISTA Norway was founded in 1988 and is focused on retaining as well as attracting women to maritime to support a diverse workforce.