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Version: 1.2

Latest Update:  09/05/2023

1. Support and Maintenance Services

1. 1. The following definitions apply to the SLA:

Covered Service means instances of Trainingportal or Trainingportal Offline synchronisation service.

Downtime means:

  • For Trainingportal: loss of external connectivity to web server(s) due to failure of Mintra’s systems.
  • For Trainingportal Offline: loss of external connectivity to the synchronisation service due to failure of Mintra’s systems.
  • Downtime does not include failures to synchronisation Trainingportal Offline due to:
  • (a)  interrupted network connectivity between on-vessel instances and the synchronisation service,
  • (b) failure to synchronise due to data conflicts,
  • (c)  failure to synchronise due factors outside of Mintra’s reasonable control.

Downtime Period means a period of one or more consecutive minutes of Downtime. Partial minutes or intermittent Downtime for a period of less than one minute will not count towards any Downtime Periods.

Healthy Instance means an instance that is responding affirmatively to service health checks.

Monthly Uptime Percentage means the total number of minutes in a month, minus the number of minutes of Downtime suffered during the month, divided by the total number of minutes in the month.

Planned Downtime means downtime resulting from scheduled maintenance of covered services, all planned downtime will be posted on the status reporting portal. Planned downtime is excluded from the downtime period and does not impact the monthly uptime percentage calculation.

Status reporting portal is the website where: (a) the current and historic (up to 365 days) status of a covered service, and (b) notifications of planned downtime is published.

  1. 2. Monthly Uptime:

During the term of the agreement under which Mintra has agreed to provide Trainingportal to the customer, the covered service will provide a Monthly Uptime Percentage to the customer as follows:

Covered Service

Monthly Uptime Percentage



Trainingportal Offline


This SLA states the customer's sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Mintra to meet the monthly uptime percentages.

1. 3. SLA Exclusions:

The SLA does not apply:

  • 1. 3. 1 to any errors caused by factors outside of Mintra’s reasonable control;
  • 1. 3. 2. to any errors that resulted from customer’s software or hardware or third-party software or hardware;
  • 1. 3. 3.  to any errors that resulted from abuses of other behaviours that violate the Agreement.
  • 1. 3. 4. to errors caused by any modification, alteration or addition to the services provided by Mintra performed by persons other than Mintra.
  • 1. 3. 5. to modification work of any kind, which is required as a result of the customer amending, upgrading or changing in any way the IT infrastructure for which Mintra’s services were originally designed or on which they were originally deployed.
  • 1. 3. 6. to software programs provided by Third Parties or created by customer or defects in any software other than Trainingportal or Mintra-developed content to which this SLA relates.
  • 1. 3. 7. to previous versions of Mintra’s services.
  • 1. 3. 8. to perceived malfunction due to aesthetic issues such as font size, colour, typeface or grammar.
  • 1. 3. 9. Where support is outside defined IT requirements and restrictions

1. 4. Support can be contacted by the following means:


1. 5. Support Services:

First Line Application support:

Mintra’s Customer Service Centre provides first-line support on the following basis: 07:00-23:00 CET, seven (7) days per week, except for the 25th of December and 1st of January. Support is provided in English.

Application support is defined as assistance in problem solving of defined tasks by the use of and within the functionality of the service. Application support excludes consultancy work or training in use of the service.

All enquiries reported to Mintra’s Customer Service Centre are initially handled by first line support or escalated to second- and third-line support if required.


Service levels

Response Time


Enquiries where a critical functionality is down or does not function at all and there is no workaround for the problem; a significant number of employees are affected, and the system is inoperable. The solution is vital for execution of critical business functions.

2 hrs


Enquiries regarding normal guidance in use of the system, problems have a workaround and there is moderate operational impact.

6 hrs


Enquiries regarding normal guidance in use of the system, problems have a workaround and there is minor operational impact.

12 hrs

Second line technical support:

Mintra’s Customer Service Centre provides second-line support on the following basis: 07:00-23:00 CET, seven (7) days per week, except for the 25th of December and 1st of January. Support is provided in English.

Second line technical support is defined as assistance in resolving issues with availability of services provided by Mintra. Availability is monitored using external tools and the status of the service is available on Second line technical support does not include making any changes to the pre-defined services.

Only Mintra’s Customer Service Centre can escalate tickets to second- or third- line, all application support rules apply.


Service levels

Start-up of troubleshooting after escalation


Loss of service. Core user journeys are not available to all users, core user journeys include Logins, launching courses, completing courses, enrolling users in courses.

2 hours


Reduced availability, parts of the service (excluding core services) are inaccessible to multiple users not requiring development.

Next business day


Reduced availability for single users not requiring development.

5 business days


  • User or vessels where equipment does not comply with minimum requirements
  • Sync issues for individual vessels
  • Integrations with third party solutions like: SSO, YOTI, etc

Third line technical support:

Mintra’s Customer Service Centre provides third-line technical support during working hours 08:00-17:00 CET, Monday-Friday, except for the 25th of December and 1st of January. Support is provided in English. 

Third line technical support is defined as assistance in resolving technical issues with Mintra’s services where development intervention or data manipulation on production servers are required.

All inquiries reported to Mintra’s Customer Service Centre are initially handled by first line support (Application support) and will be escalated to second- and third-line technical support when required. Only Mintra’s Customer Service Centre can escalate tickets to second- or third line, all application support rules apply.


Service levels

Start-up of troubleshooting after escalation


Loss of service caused by coding defects affecting all users in core user journeys. Core user journeys include Logins, launching courses, completing courses, enrolling users in courses.

2 hrs


Reduced availability of service caused by coding defects that will limit customer's business operations.

Next business day


Reduced availability of service caused by coding defects that will limit operations for single users.

5 business days


  • Full-service data recovery is covered under the agreement by Mintra and will be performed according to the disaster recovery process.
  • Partial data recoveries that result from accidental deletions or corruptions caused by the Customer will be quoted on a case-by-case basis. All partial data recoveries must be requested within 30 days of the incident.

1. 6. The support services shall be performed in a timely and professional manner by technicians familiar with Mintra developed content and its operations.

1. 7. Mintra shall provide (by remote means) telephone, live chat and e-mail assistance with respect to Mintra developed content including clarification of documentation pertaining to Mintra developed content.

1. 8. Error verification, analysis and correction to the extent possible by telephone, live chat and e-mail.

1. 9. Mintra shall host/ store Customer Content and host at the direction of customer. In this case:

The covered service will be accessible and operational 99.7% of the time measured over a calendar month excluding periods of planned maintenance or emergency maintenance.

Planned software maintenance will be scheduled with at least fourteen (14) Business Days’ notice.

Emergency software maintenance will ideally be scheduled with twenty-four (24) hours’ notice, but it could also be with no notice period if the issue is sufficiently serious.

1. 10. Fault Response Times

On notification by the customer to Mintra of a fault affecting any of the Application Software, or the e-learning website, Mintra will categorise the fault as soon as reasonably practicable. Following notification of a fault Mintra will, in accordance with the timescales set out below, provide its initial analysis and share its plan for remedying the fault (“Response”) and implement the activities set out in the plan in order to remedy the fault (“Fix”)

1. 11.Where problems cannot be resolved without considerable modification to Mintra developed content, or within a suitable timeframe, Mintra shall issue an avoidance procedure to be followed. “Avoidance Procedure” shall mean an instruction that provides a technical measure to operationally avoid an identified problem with Mintra developed content. At its discretion, Mintra shall then, at a later date, provide a suitable alternative remedy or if this is not practical, advise the Licensee that the Avoidance Procedure will remain in place.